Spiritual Direction that Centers on Cultivating Spaciousness | Author & Speaker Wayne Muller

See Wayne's new calendar of events for upcoming keynotes, retreats and workshops open to the public.


"Much of spiritual practice is just this: cutting away what must be cut, and letting remain what must remain. Knowing what to cut—this is wisdom. Being clear and strong enough to make the cut when it is time for things to go—this is courage. Together, the practices of wisdom and courage enable us, day by day and task by task, to gradually simplify our life."

Spiritual Direction that Centers on Cultivating Spaciousness | Author & Speaker Wayne Muller

Wayne's Calendar of Upcoming Events

The below events are open to the public:

Feb 13 – Saturday Workshop with Wayne Muller
The Well
La Grange, IL

Registration, information: 708-482-5048
Web Site: http://www.csjthewell.org/

Feb 19-21 – Weekend Retreat with Wayne Muller
Siena Retreat Center
Racine, WI
Friday evening at 7pm; 9am Saturday through 12 noon Sunday

Information and Registration: (262) 639-4100

Feb. 22-25
Siena Retreat Center, Racine, WI
Wayne Muller in Residence
Individual Mentoring Appointments Available on Request
Contact Info: 505-930-1978

Feb. 27 – Saturday Workshop with Wayne Muller
Transformations Spirituality Center - Kalamazoo, MI
9am – 4pm
Contact info. and Registration: 269.381.6290

Feb. 28 – Sunday Service, Afternoon Workshop with Wayne Muller
Bodhi Spiritual Center

2746 N. Magnolia | Chicago, IL 60614
Contact and Registration: Phone: 773.248.LOVE (5683)


March 5-6, Sabbath Retreat with Wayne Muller

All Saints Church

Saturday and Sunday

16 All Saints’ Road, Princeton, NJ 08540
